CORE MOEBIUS scope and size

1: Introduction to The Core Moebius in frankly mind boggling units.

Welcome to the Core Moebius introduction! In this guide, we'll delve into its size and scale, which is a critical aspect of this fascinating structure. Despite being relatively small in the grand scheme of things, the Core is incredibly dense. To measure the vastness of space, we often use units such as the lightyear, but for the Core, it's more fitting to use the light hour, which is 8760 of them in a lightyear. Another unit commonly used to describe space distances is the Astronomical Unit (AU). This is which is about 8.31675 light minutes. So one light hour is 7.214 AUs.

Light hour

To give you an idea of the Core's size, it spans about 15,000 light hours across, or 1.7 light years, with a diameter of about 2600 light hours, or 0.3 light years. To put that into perspective, the termination shock in our solar system is between 15-25 light hours away, the Kuiper Belt is 4.5 to 7.5 light hours in radius, and the inner solar system is only 0.75 light hours in radius. If you were to place the Core Moebius in our solar system, it would be entirely within the Oort cloud!


Core Material

The bubbles and tubes that make up Core Moebius are constructed from a unique and highly advanced material known as Core material. This metamaterial is incredibly dense, but paradoxically, it has zero mass, which makes it highly unique and extremely useful for a structure several light hours across. Core material is virtually indestructible, as it is impervious to most forms of energy and forces. However, it is not completely immune to degradation and can, over time, lose some of its properties after hundreds of millions of years.
Despite its incredible properties and widespread use, the origins of Core material are shrouded in mystery. There are no reliable sources that describe the creation process or the beings who created it, as it was created far too long ago for records to persist.
Core Moebius is an immense structure, boasting a massive volume of 500 trillion cubic light hours. Although it may seem packed with matter, most of its space is actually empty vacuum, with only 10% filled by bubbles. These bubbles are organized in a simple pattern, with each smaller size having 24 times more bubbles. The larger bubbles make up the majority of that 10% volume, while the rest is occupied by connecting tubes and other structures. The largest bubbles are a whopping 1200 light hours across and there are 24 of them, each with a volume of about a billion cubic light hours. Of these bubbles, 10 contain gas clouds, 7 house multiple star systems, 1 is filled with quarter-density computronium, and 1 is a dyson sphere. The rest are normal star systems, albeit with extremely large stars.

Standard Large Bubble Distribution

Let's take a look at the Standard Large Bubble Distribution. This includes 576 bubbles with a diameter of 150 light hours, with 507 still in good condition (the rest have been damaged for unknown reasons). Out of these intact bubbles, 23% contain stellar gas clouds, 20% have multiple star systems, 35% house single star systems, 5% are empty, and the rest have varying densities of rubble and structures.
Smaller still are 13,824 bubbles with a diameter of 18 light hours. Out of these, 80% contain star systems, as it seems to be the ideal size for hosting life. These bubbles are also believed to be maintained by some kind of Ascended power. Finally, there are 331,776 bubbles that are 2.25 light hours in size, with 315,821 still intact. The environment and distribution of these bubbles follows the pattern set by the Standard Large Bubble Distribution.

Standard Medium Bubble Distribution

There are nearly 8 million bubbles with a diameter of 0.5 light hours and just over 7 million of them remain intact. These are the smallest bubbles that can comfortably host a star as well as the biggest that can hold a solarvore or stardiver environment. 30% hold artificial star systems around smaller stars and another 30% are stellar gas clouds environments. 20% are home to solarvore or stardiver environments, making it the Standard Medium Bubble Distribution. There are over 191 million bubbles with a diameter of 0.035 light hours or 2.1 light minutes, with just over 184 million remaining. As these are the largest bubbles that can hold a gas giant environment (GGE) if gravity is suppressed, 20% are GGEs and the rest follow the SMBD.

14 light second scale

Roughly 4.5 billion spheres are thought to be 14 light seconds across but have not been accurately counted. In terms of size, they're smaller than 4.2 million km, making them smaller than the sun, which is 1,390,000 km in diameter. Small size allows 10% of these bubbles to be stardiver environments filled with plasma. 40% are GGEs that inhibit gravity and the rest follow the SMBD. These are also the smallest bubbles to hold natural stars, with the help of Core material absorbing energy surpluses. An estimated 110 billion bubbles exist at 550 thousand kilometers, with 40% being GGEs, 10% stardiver environments, and the rest following the SMBD.

Small Bubble Makeup

Small Bubbles Breakdown With 2.642 billion bubbles at 70,000 km, these are part of the Standard Small Bubble Population. These bubbles offer various environments, including GGEs, inverted planets, small encapsulated planets, dense structures, and even liquid or magma environments. They contain a high concentration of the Core's population, making them ideal for habitation. There are 63.4 trillion bubbles that are around 8,580 km in diameter. Of these, 90% are filled with various environments, while the remaining 10% are empty.

1,000 km scale

There are 1.521 trillion bubbles measuring 1,000 km in diameter, with one-third dedicated to living environments, another third used for storage or docks, and the rest are classified as Single Structure Bubbles. 36.520 trillion bubbles have a diameter of 134 km, with 50% being SSBs, 25% used for storage, and the rest following the SSBD. With 876.488 trillion bubbles at 16 km, 70% are SSBs, 20% follow the SSBD, and the rest are damaged. Unfortunately, as many as 30% of the SSBs are abandoned due to toxic hazards, ancient defense systems, or other reasons. Finally, there are 21,035,720 trillion bubbles, the smallest of them all, with a diameter of only 2 km. 80% of these are SSBs, while the rest are broken.

CORE MOEBIUS population


The Core is a stunningly vast and diverse place, home to over 1.3 billion stars and an estimated two hundred billion species. Many of these species were artificially created, with some stars generating multiple generations. The majority of the species in the Core are holdouts, with populations ranging from just a handful to trillions. Trying to calculate the exact number of individuals is a daunting task, but rough estimates put the total at around 10 billion trillion people. This includes the 22 largest bubbles, each with a trillion people, a dyson sphere with a hundred trillion, and countless computronium habitats with at least a trillion natural beings in access spaces spread across them.
The density of the population varies greatly, with the most densely populated bubbles containing 1 billion inhabitants each and the least densely populated only housing a few hundred. For comparison, the Amalgam, which covers only 30% of the stars in the Milky Way, has a population of 130 billion trillion people. This includes 1.7 billion trillion inhabitants in habitats and a significant population living on gas giants. The Amalgam's population is far greater than most people imagine, yet it only accounts for a small fraction of the Milky Way's 400 billion stars.



Core Moebius inhabitant can live up to two light years away from each other. But given the means, they can travel that distance in a week.
People use Fold drives in the backwaters and Highway Folds connect more significant areas. For a lucky elite, the Rail system that operates on Narin technology connects population centers of a certain technological level.


Travel time around the core.
Speed along Highway fold: 0.1 light year per hour. (876 x lightspeed)
Jump Fold speed: 0.01 light year per hour (87.6 x lightspeed)
Fold Drive speed: 0.005 light years per hour (43.8 x lightspeed)
Core Moebius circumference: 6 .3 light years
Round Time Jump Folds: 630 hours
Rail Round time: 11 days
Fold Drive: 52 days
Inner Wall Circuit circumference 13 light years
Round time Highway Fold: 130 hours (5 days)
Travel time from Core to Inner Wall Highway nodes: 100 hours using Jump folds

CORE MOEBIUS scope and size

Finally, you might notice that there is a severe problem with the concentration of mass and energy here. 1.3 billion stars in a mere 1.7 light years would collapse into a super black hole.
Their gravity is handled by the Core Material, as is their energy emission. Neither Narin nor Entropy technology can counter this effect, which is suspected to be several technology trees beyond those available to even Top Dogs.
From 700 light hours from the Core itself, the Wall hides the whole thing, giving the illusion of nothing but clouds, accretion disk, and a handful of stars orbiting their eventual doom.
The Wall, by the way, is of undetermined technology, and has been there since recorded history. If you argue that it’ is actually a portal that shunts everything other than gravity and light to another dimension, there’s no indication either way. Nor does any physical theory explain how that would work, as the wall does, in a one-way mirror. So though Core Moebius exists, no-one really knows where, or how.