Masaaki Takenaka's Horn links page rescued from the Wayback machine
These horn speaker links had been on my 'linkees' page for ages, and a lot of the links themselves were outdated. So when I found the page had disappeared I fished it out of the wayback machine with the intention of keeping it forever safe here. The original work was done by Masaaki Takenaka who himself built 'angular spiral' speakers.
My intention is to group the links, put a local copy on my own site where the link is dead (using the Wayback machine) and update those I can find back.
If your work has been placed as a local copy (under and you want it removed a simple mail will do the trick.
If you want a link added a simple mail will likewise do the trick.
Send the mails to
The 3D-Spiral Horn Speaker Building
Horn Links last updated by Masaaki Takenaka on 23 Nov. 2006. Are there better ideas than the 3D-Spiral Horn?
3D-Spiral Horns
Masaaki Takenaka has built a unique speaker named "labyrinth" .
This is an extension of the "angular spiral" concept devised by himself.
Es handelt sich bei diesem Projekt um die kleine Lautsprecherbox Helix 88. Entwickelt wurde dieser Bauvorschlag von Herrn Takenaka.
! uses Flash !
Japanese & wayback machine & pictures lost
Japanese & wayback machine & pictures lost
upsized version of the 3d-spiral horn
local copy
Audio in General
Pictures of amazing speakers (Japanese)
designing and building various home audio components
Great web site with a lot of projects and measurements
Non-Commercial Horns
Cheap Trick 164 by Matthijs van Eek
build your own horn speakers in a NYC Apartment
A Home Theater Loudspeaker System
FE108Sigma Spiral Horn Enclosure
Excel Subwoofer Designer program
Sound System Speaker Designs By Rog Mogale
A tribute page for the late Tetsuo Nagaoka and his wonderful speaker designs
Commercial Horns
(Japanese Site) Rear horn made of concrete
The Biggest SUBWOOFER of the WORLD
VH-1 the Hi-Fi Voigt horn
Where the hornies hang out
For discussions about speaker building
projects by the fanatics, for the fanatics
Changeover from "Full-range driver forum"