The Rack
Every kitchen needs one!
We did need an extra work surface for preparing, storing, the toaster and coffee machine etc.
The diffuculty was that there was a convector box, so I needed to build around that. Also I wanted it done on the cheap. I decided on an Ikea counter top as the cheapest massive wood workplank. There's a lot to be said for properly sealed massive wood in wet environments.
I found a promo at Ikea where you could fill a box with screws and connectors and pay a fixed price. I took three boxes!
I made a special rig to drill all the holes I'd need.

This allowed me in record time (I checked with Guiness) to drill the amost hundred holes needed to construct the damn thing.
glad tidings!

The construction proved that the Ikea connectors don't work unless the holes are predrilled to the millimeter. From this I decided to never do another project with joints other than long fat screws. Dovetailing, perhaps, when I retire.
Once the combi was loaded on, the rack stabilised enough that I forget how shoddy it's connected.

I finished and laquered the whole thing while my SO was in the hospital recovering from Kid 1 arriving.
you can still see the snow outside which brought the city to a halt and stopped my sister in law from leaving the country after her visit.

There were still fumes from the laquer when we brought the baby home, but... Actually that explains a lot.
The laquer I used was matte, and turned out a poor choice, there was sever orange skin dimpling, and it is susceptible to stains.
Also in the picture is my dear departed espresso machine. Departed as in my SO didn't like the strength of the espresso and we sold it to a friend for peanuts. I'm over it. Totally. (Still not over it 4 years later).
This one is doner than done. In the future the kitchen will be remodelled, and wood from this project might find a place elsewhere...