Christophe Lenaerts does a dutch guest comic, without even knowing it. He is the funniest person I know, and I'm very honored to have him do a comic for me :)

L2gx is 24 years old! Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!Cheer you buggers or I'll slit your throats!Hurrah!

l2gx: "I love birthdays."

l2gx: "One of the reasons I love them so much is you get to wear those nice pointy hats."

l2gx: "pointy hats are not only very nice and funny and festive, no, they are superpractical as well!"

Christophe: "Hahah' Nice hat man! It looks just like a big triangular spotted tumor growing on your head!"


l2gx: "I love birthdays"